Wednesday, January 30, 2008


When the Lord teaches, everybody listens but not all understands his teachings. He has taught many things that have changed the lives of people.

The power of God's Word depends on how a person applies it to his life. It is like a seed that is planted on different soil for no person is one and the same. To the weak, he can easilly loose the graces that is inplanted in him. To the one who is hard headed and full of pride, he can enjoy the fruits of God's graces but when it runs contrary to his views and expectations, he easilly fall back to his same old self. To the one who focuses on many things other than the Lord, he could not see the truth that "All things are God's graces". For one to fully enjoy the richness of God's Word, he must willingly submit and surrender himself to its power. As the saying goes, "Let Go and Let God".

Unfornately, the world dictates otherwise. It has kept this secret hidden for many generations and only a few have unlocked the mysteries of its true power. Any person can see but lacks the true perception on how to view life in accordance with God's Purpose. As Rick Warren always say, "Man must always focused on a Purpose Driven Life". Any person can hear God's Word by attending worship services, lectures and teachings but only a few have truly understood its true meaning over their lives.

In order to fully experience the awesome power of God's Word, it must first be deeply rooted into the human heart. As I said earlier, the key to this is openness and complete submission to the will of God. As Max Lucado place it in his book, "It is not all About Us but it all About God". This is a life changing event that requres complete shift of paradigm.


To you O Lord, I offer my life, use it for your glory.
Forgive me for the times I have focused on the wrong way,
instead of just listening to you and obeying
all that you ask and expect of me.
Thank you for the day to day graces that you provide
for me, my family, and all those whom I care about.
May my life be filled with the power of Your Word,
that will surely lead me to all my heart's desires,
now and forever. Amen.