Saturday, July 31, 2010

OBEDIENCE - Regardless of Consequences

Whenever we hear or received a word from the Lord that seems contrary to what we want, our hearts rebel against him out of frustration and disappointment. We say we obey him but in truth, we want the Lord to obey us by giving to us all our heart's desire.

The priests and the prophets during the days of Jeremiah had sought to put him to death because he prophesied against their temple and their city. He knows that his obedience to the Lord will mean his life but just the same, he submitted himself without reservation. What is important for him is to obey the Lord no matter what the consequences may bring.

Father God, please forgive me for not obeying every word that you say. I have no excuse in doing so and up until now, I continue to sin against you. I wanted to be the person you want me to be but I am weak. I need your strength and determination to overcome this struggle of mine so that in the end, I can truly stand pleasing to your sight.

In a very special way, I thank you for your unfailing provisions that keeps me well and going each day. At a time when I need you most, you are always there to provide for my needs.

In Jesus Name, I give you back all the glory and praises, now and forever. Amen.